Bronchitis is a disease which attacks our breathing system. It causes breathing difficulties. We breathe in oxygen every second. If our breathing system does not work well, it is surely very torturing. Like many other diseases, this disease shows symptoms when it occurs. The symptoms are for instance, breathing difficulties, headaches, and fever. If you do not feel better within two weeks up to a month, immediately go to the hospital to make sure you get the proper treatment. There are also some bad habits which can put us in the risk of suffering from bronchitis. Below are the examples.
There have been a lot of warnings about the danger of smoking. No matter how serious the warnings are, people will always keep smoking if they still do not understand how dangerous smoking is. Through smoking, people inhale various toxins none of which is good for their health. Smoking is also damaging a part in the lung which functions to filter dust and mucus so that it will not fill the lung. Yet, the toxins in one cigarette will destroy this important part. Thus, it is strongly suggested that we stop smoking. Stopping this bad habit can save our life and others’. It will also make the air cleaner that we can breathe fresh, clean air. The most important thing about this is we respect other people and we do not want to put them in serious risks because of the reckless thing we have done.
Not Wearing Face Masks
This is the easiest preventive way, but the most ignored one. In the city where the air is polluted by cigarette smoke and by fuel smoke, not wearing face masks is really not good for your health. Wearing masks can prevent the bacteria and virus from entering your body and spreading in the body system. We have to be careful in any ways so that we are not putting ourselves in the risk of suffering from bronchitis. Not only does it make your health deteriorate but it also costs a lot of money that you can actually save when you are healthy.
Not Covering the Face When Sneezing or Coughing
It is better to teach and remind everyone around us to do one important preventive way; covering the face using hands or a handkerchief when sneezing or coughing. Not only is it considered impolite in some places, but it is also a reflection of how much we have awareness about disease prevention. Covering face when sneezing or coughing also means that we respect the people around us. Imagine if we sneeze or cough right in front of other people without even trying to cover our face. The saliva or any substances that comes out from our mouth is not only disgusting but it is also harmful in a way that it carries the bacteria and viruses. Therefore, start doing the right things from now on. Do not wait until tomorrow and do not wait until other people do these things first. It is about our awareness and our concern of preventing bronchitis.