Skin allergy can be a dangerous disease especially if you let it without any kind of treatment. It is the same case if you don’t manage your eating habit. In fact, the type of food you eat can make your skin allergy becomes worse or not. Mostly, the sign of skin allergy appears after a few hours eating specific food. The symptoms are various and it depends on the type of the allergy itself. For example, you will see red marks, itchy, and many more. So before it’s getting worse and disturb your activity and even confident, it is important to know what kind of food you can eat and food you can’t eat.
Fish and Seafood
Some people tend to think that they have to keep away from fish and seafood when they are suffered from skin allergy. Actually, it is wrong because in fact fish and seafood has specific compounds which needed by your body. For example, fish is full of Omega 3 fatty acids. It is also okay for you to consume fish oil. The Omega fatty acids and fish oil strengthen your metabolism and immune system. As the result, you can’t easily get sick including attacked by skin allergy. Just notice that when you are suffered from skin allergy it means there is something wrong with your metabolism and immune system. The best time to eat fish and seafood is at least twice a week.
When you are suffered from skin allergy, it is good to consume carrots. This orange vegetable is good because it consists of anti inflammatory. Because of this useful compound your body will fight against virus or if there is something wrong with your metabolism or immune system. Because of that, you are not easily suffered from skin allergy. Besides eating carrots, you can also eat squash, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, and broccoli. This is also reason why people in diet program are asked to eat vegetable and fruits more than before. You can create a glass of fresh juice or smoothies or a plate of salad.
The main reason of eating grains to prevent skin allergy is because this food contains of anti oxidant and anti inflammation. If you eat more grains, you will have better metabolism and immune system. Definitely, you can reduce the risk of skin allergy. Because of that, it is important to prepare whole grains bread, cereal, and pasta so you can get the benefits from grains.
Instead of eating tomatoes, it is better for you to eat carrots. Actually, people with skin allergy are not allowed to eat too much tomato. Even, some people said that tomato can aggravate their skin allergy condition. So, if you feel that your skin allergy is worse after eating something consists of tomato, it is better to remove the tomato in your diet menu.
Besides tomato, you are also not allowed to drink alcohol. This is because alcohol improves the level of inflammation and it makes your skin allergy worse than before. Just be careful that it is also dangerous to combine the medicine for skin allergy and alcohol. So, just stop drinking alcohol if you want to reduce your skin allergy.