Hair Care Tips for Healthy Hair

hair care tips for healthy hair

Hair care tips are useful in a way that these help us maintain the health of our hair.  Hair is a part of the body which needs to be taken care of. Not only is it the most noticeable body part, but it is also the most precious body part. People having healthy hair will surely look more attractive than those having unhealthy hair. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to treat the hair right which results in hair damage. Thus, some tips are given below to help us know what to do and what not to do to our hair.

Do not Wash the Hair too often

People usually think that by keeping the hair clean, it will make it healthy. It actually depends on what definition of keeping the hair clean. If it means washing the hair every other day or washing the hair twice a week, then it is right. If it means washing the hair every day every time you have a shower, then it is wrong. It is because hair is protected by natural oil produced by the body. Washing the hair too often will cause the amount of oil decrease drastically that it makes the hair dry. Dry hair will tend to be weak and it will be broken easily.

Do not Use Warm Water

At certain time, you may notice that you experience hair fall after washing your hair using warm water. Yet, you do not know why it happens. The answer is avoid washing your hair using warm water. If you have been doing it so far, stop doing it right now. It is because warm water will affect the hair just exactly like when you wash the hair too often. It will weaken the roots of the hair. It results in hair fall due to weak roots. As this can cause serious trouble to your hair, stop doing this habit no matter how much you love to shower and wash the hair using warm water.

Wait until the Hair Dries

Wait until the hair dries literally means you have to wait until it dries without using anything. Avoid using a hair dryer. Hair can resist the heat from the hair dryer, but it can resist it only to certain level of heat. If you usually set the hair dryer in a way that it produces the highest level of heat, stop doing it now. It is because using hair dryer can damage the color of your hair and weaken the hair. You may get your hair dried using a hair dryer when you are in a beauty shop. It is because you might go there just once or twice in a month. However, avoid using it for daily use.

Hair is a body part which can attract attention. Do not let bad hair day ruin your happiness. Love your hair and do not let it get damaged. Because once it is damaged, it will cost much to make it healthy again. Start treating your hair right and follow these useful hair care tips.

Allowed and Not Allowed Food for Skin Allergy Sufferers

 Allowed and Not Allowed Food for Skin Allergy Sufferers

Skin allergy can be a dangerous disease especially if you let it without any kind of treatment. It is the same case if you don’t manage your eating habit. In fact, the type of food you eat can make your skin allergy becomes worse or not. Mostly, the sign of skin allergy appears after a few hours eating specific food. The symptoms are various and it depends on the type of the allergy itself. For example, you will see red marks, itchy, and many more. So before it’s getting worse and disturb your activity and even confident, it is important to know what kind of food you can eat and food you can’t eat.

Fish and Seafood

Some people tend to think that they have to keep away from fish and seafood when they are suffered from skin allergy. Actually, it is wrong because in fact fish and seafood has specific compounds which needed by your body. For example, fish is full of Omega 3 fatty acids. It is also okay for you to consume fish oil. The Omega fatty acids and fish oil strengthen your metabolism and immune system. As the result, you can’t easily get sick including attacked by skin allergy. Just notice that when you are suffered from skin allergy it means there is something wrong with your metabolism and immune system. The best time to eat fish and seafood is at least twice a week.


When you are suffered from skin allergy, it is good to consume carrots. This orange vegetable is good because it consists of anti inflammatory. Because of this useful compound your body will fight against virus or if there is something wrong with your metabolism or immune system. Because of that, you are not easily suffered from skin allergy. Besides eating carrots, you can also eat squash, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, and broccoli. This is also reason why people in diet program are asked to eat vegetable and fruits more than before. You can create a glass of fresh juice or smoothies or a plate of salad.


The main reason of eating grains to prevent skin allergy is because this food contains of anti oxidant and anti inflammation. If you eat more grains, you will have better metabolism and immune system. Definitely, you can reduce the risk of skin allergy. Because of that, it is important to prepare whole grains bread, cereal, and pasta so you can get the benefits from grains.


Instead of eating tomatoes, it is better for you to eat carrots. Actually, people with skin allergy are not allowed to eat too much tomato. Even, some people said that tomato can aggravate their skin allergy condition. So, if you feel that your skin allergy is worse after eating something consists of tomato, it is better to remove the tomato in your diet menu.


Besides tomato, you are also not allowed to drink alcohol. This is because alcohol improves the level of inflammation and it makes your skin allergy worse than before. Just be careful that it is also dangerous to combine the medicine for skin allergy and alcohol. So, just stop drinking alcohol if you want to reduce your skin allergy.    


The Signs of Dementia Alzheimer by Seeing the Regular Activities

The Signs of Dementia Alzheimer by Seeing the Regular Activities

Dementia Alzheimer has to be treated well especially if it is attacking your beloved one. Because of that, it is important to know the sign of people who are suffered from dementia Alzheimer. The earlier you know that someone is suffered from this mental illness, the better because you know how to deal with them. Just learn the sign of dementia Alzheimer first and be prepared from the best treatment later.

Asking the Same Time Over and Over Again

It is okay to ask something you don’t know. The problem is when you are asking the same question over and over again. Let say, someone ask the position of car key and you have been explained the position and he or she doesn’t notice it, you need to worry. It will be dangerous if it is happened continually. You have to be curious that it seems that he or she has a problem with their memory. It is better to go to the doctor to make sure about the problem and to know whether they are suffered from Dementia Alzheimer or not.

Confuse with Instruction and Simple Calculation

Dementia Alzheimer is relating to the lack of focus. The earlier sign is confusing of simple instruction and calculation. For example, someone who is suffered from dementia Alzheimer will be confused if they ask to follow the instruction of texting or any simple instruction. It seems that they don’t know synchronize between their mind and their body. It is the same case with simple calculation. Just let them calculate simple calculation in which normal people can answer it. If they tend to find difficulty and even confuse, you should bring them to the doctor for further detection.

Feel Strange with Familiar Place

Probably, you ever know that someone asking about where they are even in the familiar place, you have to be curious. There is a case that they are suffered from dementia Alzheimer. Of course, it is a common thing if you feel strange in a new place and it is different case. It is also the same case if they are difficult to direct you to go to certain familiar place. For example, they can’t explain about the position of bathroom at home.

Difficulty in Using the Right Words

Normal people will use the right words and it is getting more difficult based on the age. It is different case with people with Dementia Alzheimer. People who are suffered from this mental disease will find difficulty in using the right words. As the result, you don’t know what they are saying about. Mostly, they also wrong in mentioning name or don’t remember it at all although it is familiar for them. If it is happening to them, just consider asking them to go to the doctor for further diagnosis.

Don’t Really Care with Their Daily Life

One more sign of Dementia Alzheimer is that they don’t really care about their daily life. For example, they don’t do anything even if they don’t have toothpaste or soap anymore on the bathroom. At the same time, they also don’t really care about their appearance and performance. The main reason is of course because they are confused about what they have to do. When it becomes worse, it will be a Dementia Alzheimer.

Some Bad Habits Which Make You Prone to Bronchitis

Some Bad Habits Which Make You Prone to Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a disease which attacks our breathing system. It causes breathing difficulties. We breathe in oxygen every second. If our breathing system does not work well, it is surely very torturing. Like many other diseases, this disease shows symptoms when it occurs. The symptoms are for instance, breathing difficulties, headaches, and fever. If you do not feel better within two weeks up to a month, immediately go to the hospital to make sure you get the proper treatment. There are also some bad habits which can put us in the risk of suffering from bronchitis. Below are the examples.


There have been a lot of warnings about the danger of smoking. No matter how serious the warnings are, people will always keep smoking if they still do not understand how dangerous smoking is. Through smoking, people inhale various toxins none of which is good for their health. Smoking is also damaging a part in the lung which functions to filter dust and mucus so that it will not fill the lung. Yet, the toxins in one cigarette will destroy this important part. Thus, it is strongly suggested that we stop smoking. Stopping this bad habit can save our life and others’. It will also make the air cleaner that we can breathe fresh, clean air. The most important thing about this is we respect other people and we do not want to put them in serious risks because of the reckless thing we have done.

Not Wearing Face Masks

This is the easiest preventive way, but the most ignored one. In the city where the air is polluted by cigarette smoke and by fuel smoke, not wearing face masks is really not good for your health. Wearing masks can prevent the bacteria and virus from entering your body and spreading in the body system. We have to be careful in any ways so that we are not putting ourselves in the risk of suffering from bronchitis. Not only does it make your health deteriorate but it also costs a lot of money that you can actually save when you are healthy.

Not Covering the Face When Sneezing or Coughing

It is better to teach and remind everyone around us to do one important preventive way; covering the face using hands or a handkerchief when sneezing or coughing. Not only is it considered impolite in some places, but it is also a reflection of how much we have awareness about disease prevention. Covering face when sneezing or coughing also means that we respect the people around us. Imagine if we sneeze or cough right in front of other people without even trying to cover our face. The saliva or any substances that comes out from our mouth is not only disgusting but it is also harmful in a way that it carries the bacteria and viruses. Therefore, start doing the right things from now on. Do not wait until tomorrow and do not wait until other people do these things first. It is about our awareness and our concern of preventing bronchitis.

Diabetes: Understanding What Your Body Tells You

 Diabetes: Understanding What Your Body Tells You

Diabetes occurred when the amount of blood sugar in our body increases drastically. The body needs blood sugar. It is what makes us able to do our activities. Blood sugar obtained from carbohydrates gives our body energy. Yet, when it gets too much, the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas is not enough to break down the excessive blood sugar. Our body works well if it receives proper amount of nutrition. If it receives improper amount of nutrition including blood sugar, it will definitely affect our health. Therefore, it is very important to check your blood sugar regularly. Check whether your body has shown some symptoms of diabetes recently.

The Blackened Neck Skin

You may not be aware that the blackened neck skin is the most obvious symptom of diabetes. Usually the blackened skin is the back part of the neck. It is a sign that the pancreas work very hard to produce insulin. Thus, it is better for you to recall whether you have lived unhealthy lifestyle recently. Check if you have eaten ice cream or chocolate, or you have drunk soda too much. Some people prefer to drink anything which tastes sweet simply because it is delicious. However, what is delicious is not always what is good for your health. When this symptom shows, it is suggested that you reduce sugar intake. It is much better to obtain sugar from fruit which is healthier. Never ever think that reducing sugar is difficult. It will be much more difficult when you are suffered from diabetes.

The Itchy Genital

Some people do not understand that itchy genital is a sign of excessive blood sugar. It is because what people usually know is the itchy genital is always caused by the ignorance to keep the hygiene of this very private body part. The fact is, it is not always about the genital hygiene. It can be because you urinate too often. When you have excessive blood sugar, some of it will be broken down while some other is thrown away from the body through urine. It means that the urine contains that excessive sugar. When the urine is excreted and it touches the skin near the genital, it will cause itchiness. It is due to the fact that bacteria will likely breed on the part which is touched by the excessive blood sugar containing urine. This can happen in both men and woman. Therefore, the first thing you can do is wash your genital until it is clean and dry it. The second thing is check your blood sugar level. If it is high, start to do physical exercises. It is good because the blood sugar is used to fuel your body. Therefore, after you have done the physical exercises, the amount of blood sugar left in the body is normal. We have to understand that diabetes caused by excessive amount of blood sugar can result in amputation. Rather than taking this serious risk, changing our lifestyle is more recommended. Love your body and do not underestimate the symptoms ofdiabetes.